Local Online Rates

Desktop & Mobile display
Extend your reach and visibility with our digital ad packages. Packages include multiple ad sizes that serve across desktop, tablet, and phone. Reach users any time of the day on any device.

Sponsored Calendar Listing
Make your event stand out with our sponsored calendar listing and receive premier placement top of page on our event calendar pages.
Pricing: $100/week

Featured Venue on Calendar page
74% of Chronicle readers attend live music events 6 times a month. Feature your venue prominently on our calendar page and turn our readers into your guests.
Pricing: $250/month

Ticket giveaways
Readers know they can come to the Chronicle for the best event listings, show reviews, and contests. With social media and newsletter promotion, our contest page will help make your event the hottest ticket in town.
Pricing: Free with print contract, or $500 (giveaway only)